
Robin Trebilcock


June Sermon Series

with Robin Trebilcock

Three ways of embracing change

June 5          Revelation          Gal. 1: 11-24

June 12         Achieving outcomes        Gal. 5:1913-18,22-26

worth celebrating

June 19         Being open to:        Gal. 3: 23-29Gal.                                                                                                                                                                        The Situation,      The Holy Spirit,      Unlikely Allies,         A Deeper Faith.



The people of Galatia were Celts. Remnants of Celtic culture still exist today in parts of Britain, Ireland and Europe. Three Celtic characteristics are part of the background of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatians:

. Their respect for law. Paul spends a major part of his letter discussing law and the relationship between law and faith. The problem he faced was the idea that being a Christian was an ‘add on’ to being a Jew and therefore Jewish law had to be obeyed by Christians, meaning that male converts should be circumcised. This issue will be recast as a contem­porary issue and discussed on June 5.

. Their ancient Celtic religious practices and festivals, were celebrated to maximise future benefits. This too will be put into today’s context and discussed on June 12.

Their egalitarian ideals. Celtic women fought alongside their men in battle and were feared warriors. Paul uses this freedom from stereo­typical behavior to wrap up his discussion of the law. The sermon series will use it on June 19 to wrap up the series and be Paul’s primary and secondary emphases together

The Present-day Context

This sermon series is about embracing major change rather than the everyday change inevitable with the passing of time. These latter changes are usually embraced, sometimes wryly, with a grizzle or two and perhaps a wistful looking back to ‘the good old days.’ Major changes, like losing a loved one, moving house or retirement or redundancy are more like the kind of change these sermons are addressing. Sometimes the change is broader and undefined. We say, “What is the world coming to?” Or, “What kind of world will our grandchildren inherit?” It is this kind of change, along with the question, “How should I respond?” that the sermons will try to touch.

In particular, the church is facing a change in public opinion. Numbers are dwindling and churches are closing. How can this change be embraced? What is God calling us to do in response?

The Preacher

Robin. Trebilcock is a retired Uniting Church minister with over fifty years’ experience of biblical preaching. He has an interest in Celtic Christianity stemming from his own Cornish Celtic roots. His understanding of change developed as a response to his own dislike of change and therefore his need to come to terms with it.

The ‘Embracing Change’ series of sermon will be preached at the 10:00am worship services at Port Adelaide Uniting Church.

Click here to listen to the Audio of June 5th

Click here to listen to the Audio of June 12th

Click here to listen to the Audio of June 19th

Ian Edwards – April 2016

Genesis is the book in the bible which deals with the creation of the natural world. It also provides an account of the development of the social world; that is, how we ought to relate and reconcile with each other and with God. This takes place in Genesis through a series of stories involving families. Over three weeks we explore these stories which build on each other with increasingly profound lessons about what it means to love and be reconciled with others.

Click Here to  Download Ian’s Introduction

Click Here to  Download –  Isaac and Ishmael

Genesis Ch 12:1-3; Ch 16: 1-16, Ch 21: 1-21

Click Here to  Download  – Jacob and Esau

Genesis Ch 25: 21-34;  Ch 27: 1-36; Ch 32: 22-30

Click Here to  Download  – Joseph and his brothers

Genesis Ch 37: 3-5, 12-36; Ch 42: 6-21; Ch 44:1-17, 30-34; Ch 45: 1-4

Robin Trebilcock

In August 2012 Robin Trebilcock recently preached a sermon on Ephesians 4:1-16 at Port Adelaide UCA, please click here to read the sermon in full.

Val Bennett

On Sunday 14 December 2008, the 3rd Sunday in Advent, Port Adelaide Uniting Church celebrated the 140th anniversary of the current church building. During the morning worship service Val Bennett gave the following Reflection on Mary’s Song of Praise, the Gospel Reading from Luke 1v47-55. Please click here to read Val’s reflection here.